Monday, April 4, 2011

House Projects for April Vacation

I am so excited for vacation in less than 2 weeks!! (does a little fist pump)

The hubs and I were at Home Depot/Lowe's over the weekend because he needed some tools to trim one of the trees we have out front. We started talking about a few of the projects we'd love to tackle over vacation. Here's our list (which is really part of our giant "to-do" list for the house)

1. Install a new toilet in the downstairs half bath - even though we rarely use this toilet, I can't finish painting in there until we get the old toilet out, so in a way, it makes sense to replace that one first, since the full bath is already a finished project (there's just tile behind that toilet anyway)

2. Having said that, I need to finish the little bit of painting left in the half-bath (behind the toilet, the window, the shutters covering the circuit breaker box or whatever's behind there:

We also have some mini-blinds for that window that need to be installed (they've been sitting in my living room for, oh, let's see 5 months???)

3. FINALLY do something with the sunroom/3-season porch, which is currently just a catch-all of sorts. It's where we keep our recycling bin and 2 sets of small tables/chairs and other random stuff. Our plan is to take the futon from the guest room, the coffee table from the living room (need to find a new round/oval one to replace it with) and maybe keep one of the table/chair sets out there too. My Mom is going to give us back the full-sized mattress/bed frame that's been residing at her house, since technically the mattress is mine and the frame is Brandon's. She reminded me of that fact when I was mentioning my plan of moving the futon but then not having a bed to replace it with. Mom's are good like that! :) 

I think with a real bed in that room, our guests will be a lot more comfortable!

4. I keep saying I'm going to paint the cabinets...and I really want to...I just know it's going to be a huge that will most likely be done this summer, when I have more time and can let the doors/drawers dry outside.  But I at least want to get the ball rolling by bringing in a door to Home Depot/Lowe's and asking a professional for their advice. 

5. If the weather's nice I want to spruce up the yard a bit. I'd love to plant a little garden in the front area (where we used to have poison ivy growing - how nice, right??)

See that little green patch to the left of the garage door, under that window? POSION IVY!!! Who the hell let's that stuff just grow in their yard?? We killed the sucker last year, but still need to dig up the roots before I go trampling in that dirt. 

6. Speaking of outside, when we were out this weekend getting tools we started to price out fences. We are hopefully (fingers crossed that everything works out!) getting a puppy this summer and we will need to fence in the rest of our yard. The good news is that we really only have to connect from the neighbors' fences to each side of the house, so I'm guessing it wouldn't be too expensive. We shall see..

Ok, I think that's a doable list..just gotta stay focused and do a little bit at a time..c'mon vacation!!!

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