Yesterday I finally decided it was silly to waste time blow drying and then straightening my hair. So I let it "do its thing" and used my favorite Aussie spray (shown below) to create a wavy, kinda-messy look.
I do this look a lot in the summer when it's hot and I don't want to blow more heat around, so my students rarely see my hair in its natural state. The looks/comments I get from them are priceless. One 2nd grader told me yesterday that I had "fluffy" cute!
Here's how it looks the 2nd day
Not as "crunchy-looking" as it usually looks on Day 1, but I can always add more Sprunch spray if it starts to fall flat. I literally just spray it into my hair and then use my hand to "scrunch" it up..sometimes I'll use a blow dryer afterwards to give it some more volume.
Here's another angle:
I wish I could wear this style every day, but my hair can be very unpredictable and doesn't always want to cooperate!
And just for fun: here's what my hair was looking like a year ago today (that's my niece Lyla!)
Fun haircut (and a lot blonder!) but I'm happy it's growing!!
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